Electrical Engineering from A to Z

Nothing we can't do - contact us!

finitus - thinking things out

About us

Our discern is a fully accomplished product

With great technical expertise and professional equipment the finitus GmbH is your partner for high quality electronic solutions. Our aim is to ensure our work is thought through from beginning to the completed project.

Our services include comprehensive developments , applications and services in the electronic and audio field and projects concerning industrial and consumer electronics. From the idea to the simulation and layout through to a production optimized product we support our customers competent to complete their projects.

Bert Vogt

Dipl.-Ing. Bert Vogt

CEO, Head of Development

dead-on ideas realized customer oriented


High quality thinking of finitus demands completely optimized customer projects for production.

Therefore finitus works with great competence using the powerful software "Mentor Graphics PADS". Highly complex schemes, PCB layouts and routings on the basis of analog and digital circuits and thus meaningful prototypes and finished products can be developed and produced. To meet the increasing demands on the functionality of electronic devices, finitus uses advanced technolgies (multilayer, BGA, FPGA etc.) for the development and layout of new products.

Simulation - finitus


finitus provides simulation from ground up using Spectrum MicroCap spice simulator.


  • analog, digital, mixed signal simulation
  • transient, dc, ac-simulation
  • monte-carlo analysis
  • SPICE, IBIS, Berkeley BSIM 1, BSIM 2, BSIM3, and BSIM4 MOSFET, Gummel-Poon, Mextram, Modella bipolar models
  • lossy transmission lines
  • transfer function analysis
  • harmonic distortion analysis
analog - finitus

analog circuit development

finitus offers extensive knowledge in developing analog measurement systems. From sub microvolt pre-amplifiers to large scale audio amplifiers.


  • precision signal conditioning filters
  • lowest noise and distortion amplifiers
  • HF filters and mixers
  • signal distribution and bus systems
  • voltage-, current-, transimpedance amplification
digital - finitus

digital development

finitus provides digital circuit and dsp development on modern FPGA basis but also with microcontrollers and gates.


  • FPGA design with vhdl/verilog
  • Altera, Xilinx
  • SoC Design
  • Microcontrollers from Freescale, Microchip and others
  • Firmware in Assembler/C/C++
programming - finitus

Professionl programming for optimized performance

Whether as a single service or as part of a large customer project: The finitus GmbH offers its customers competent individual solutions for the production of an optimal product. This includes the development, implementation and verification of hardware description language (HDL) in FPGA designs and the development of software or firmware for microprocessor technology.

Applications are specifically designed and manufactured according to an intensive personal advice for the appropriate electronic system. Customers of finitus GmbH appreciate this extraordinary flexibility and the profound expertise.


  • RealTime Operating Systems like MicroC/OS RTOS on e.g. NIOS-II
  • Linux Operating Systems on e.g. Aletra SoC
  • C/C++ based firmware
  • C++/Qt based software for Windows
  • Assembler based firmware for microcontrollers
mechanics - finitus mechanics - finitus

mechanical design

In order to meet the high demands of customers with the first prototype, finitus works with the professional 3D-CAD software "SolidWorks". Thus, the individual specifications - such as modules, housings and electronics - are accurately imported and planned. For the customer this means a secure and transparent implementation of their product while simultaneously minimizing time and cost.


  • 3D/2D design with SolidWorks
  • Visualization and Animation with Cinema 3D
  • Exact models for easy customer integration
  • import/export in various formats
partners - finitus


Since 2007 Bert Vogt established a close relationship with Andreas Koch which is now far more than a customer relationship. Both Engineers work very closely together and create some of today's most recognized audio products.


  • Playback designs LLC (High End Audio)
    Bert Vogt designs all of the analog circuitry for Playback Designs and also takes care of all analog and digital printed circuit board layouts. Additionally finitus takes care of the european service for Playback Designs.
  • AKDesign Inc. (High End Audio OEM)
    AKDesign provides engineering design services and manufactures OEM products for professional and consumer audio applications demanding highest sonic performance.


When it comes to deeper physical understanding the world is analog.


An excerpt of realized projects

  • discrete folded cascode audio pre-amp with lowest distortion
  • HF downmix- and filterboard for processing LDA burst signals
  • current to frequency converter with sub promille accuracy
  • industrial I/O interface with digital and analog inputs and outputs (voltage and current mode)
  • programmable graphical display for scale rc-helicopters
  • FPGA based, free programmable laser-synchronizer with 5ns time resolution
  • programmable current source, controllabel via ethernet
  • controller for Canon EOS lenses via ethernet
  • avalanche photodiode receiver module with digital temperature regulation


Overview of the technologies developed by finitus

  • NOD "non intrusive opto coupled detection"
    The goal of any detection should be not to affect the measurand (e.g. the audio signal). Using an optically coupled circuit is very close to this ideal. Neither there is a galvanic coupling nor can repercussions still occur.
  • FTA "fast temperature compensated auto bias"
    The bias voltage of an amplifier has to be controlled very precisely and should comply with the optimum within a few thousandth of a volt. This optimum varies with the temperature of the amplifier stages, which in turn is dependent on the ambient temperature and the current load of the driver and output stages. All these parameters are covered by the FTA and it guarantees the observance of the optimum with the appropriate accuracy.
  • OISoutside independent system”
    All finitus products are designed to be a system that is extremely independent of external components. Due to the circuits extremely high rejection ratio, components like fuses, power cords etc. have no measurable and audible effect on the output signals.
  • TDC "true difference clip detection"
    Since the internal supply voltages change slightly with the load, the real difference between the audio signal and the supply voltage is measured for the clip detection. This difference is captured and analyzed with a safety margin so that the speakers are optimally protected in any load condition against overload distortion.
  • ALDactive loaded differential amplifier“
    The use of active loads in specific parts of amplifier circuits has a similar effect as cascoding. The bandwidth is increased and the amplifier circuit is decoupled from disturbances in the supply voltage. In addition, the distortion is much lower than with resistive loads.


2016 Mai, High End show in Munich

Bert Vogt and Andreas Koch will be on the Munich High End show together presenting the new Sonoma product line of Playback Designs.

2016 March, New Homepage

The finitus homepage has been completely re-designed. Have fun!

2016 finitus stops production of own devices

Bert Vogt decided to discontinue the finitus audio products in 2016 and concentrate on working together with Andreas Koch from Playback Designs and to push the common products further. Now the finitus know-how can demonstrate its potential wearing a new dress.
Of course existing customers and dealers will get further support for the existing finitus products.

finitus represents distinctive sound in the audio segment

finitus audio products

Bert Vogt decided to discontinue the finitus audio products in 2016 and concentrate on working together with Andreas Koch from Playback Designs and to push the common products further. Now the finitus know-how can demonstrate its potential wearing a new dress.

Of course all existing customers and dealers still get the full support and service for any finitus product:

Playback Designs Service

Playback Designs full service

Due to the close relationship, finitus provides full service for all Playback Designs products. Please contact your dealer before sending any device to finitus for guarantee clarification.

Don't hesitate to contact us via email or phone if you have any questions.

finitus - focused on audio


Phone +49 (0)2266 4783276

Email mail@finitus.de

finitus GmbH

Im Höngel 17

51789 Lindlar, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)2266 4783276

Email: mail@finitus.de


finitus GmbH

Dipl.-Ing. Bert Vogt

Im Höngel 17

51789 Lindlar, Germany

  • Phone: +49 (0)2266 4783276
  • Email: info@finitus.de

USt.Id.: DE274138126

HRB: 70302

Amtsgericht Köln

Responsible for the content: finitus GmbH

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